Buat Wishlist dan dapatkan $100 dari paypal
¬Article by admin with 1 comment
19 Nov 2009Wah cukup lama saya tidak mengupdate blog ini dikarenakan kesibukan saya (padahal sebenarnya gak sibuk-sibuk amat, hanya lebih memprioritaskan hal yang lain dulu.)
Oke begitu update langsung berbicara peluang bisnis, ada peluang mendapatkan $100 dari paypal lewat facebook, caranya gampang sekali, bagi anda yang sudah punya rekening paypal dan facebook tinggal mendaftarkan saja. Cukup masukkan email paypal anda dan buatlah wishlist anda maka bisa memperoleh peluang mendapatkan peluang mendapatkan $1 dari teman yang mendaftar lewat link anda.
Menurut peraturannya pembayarannya akan dibayarkan tanggal 28 februrari 2010.
berikut kutipan yang ada di halaman terms and conditionnya
In addition, share the PayPal WishList with your friends via Facebook, and for each friend who downloads and creates his or her own PayPal WishList from your invitation, we will pay you an additional $1 USD (up to the maximum total sum of $100 USD per PayPal account).
This Promotion begins at 00:00:01 Singapore Standard Time (“SST”) on November 16th, 2009 and ends at 23:59:59 SST on December 31st, 2009 (”Promotion Period”).
How Prizes will be Awarded
You will be notified by PayPal no later than February 28th, 2010, via email or any other method as PayPal may from time to time determine, of how much you have earned.
Prizes will be credited to your PayPal account as per your submission to PayPal via the PayPal WishList, no later than February 28th, 2010. If you do not provide us with this, we will not be able to deposit your earnings. To submit the PayPal email address you would like linked to your PayPal WishList, go to the home page of the PayPal WishList at www.paypalwishlist.com and click the link below to the ’submit your email address’ in the upper left side of the page. Any cash prizes to be paid to your PayPal account, will be credited in the currency as set out herein and currency conversion fees (if applicable) or any other related fees, will be borne solely by you.
silahkan daftar disini ya
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